Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Safely Working

One of my favorite things that I picked up a few years ago at an antique store is this gem:

Ashtray was a reward to employees for working safely
I love the fact that, in 1961, employees at an electric company were rewarded for working safely. Their reward was an ashtray. An ashtray! So, for working safely, they were essentially rewarded with an apparatus that encouraged them to continue smoking. Amazing. 

My, how times have changed....

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Words

Sometimes you don't know what to say when something horrible has happened. You don't know what to say to others. Some of us try to bury ourselves in work and act like nothing has happened.

Last week was a terrible week. All of us kept on moving on, even after we had heard about the bombings at the Boston Marathon. We kept working after we heard about the devastation from an explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas.

But, I think that it took a toll on a lot of us. I know that it has taken a toll on me.

What I hope that we can all cherish from these incidents is the basic goodness of people. I have loved  hearing the stories of people coming to help others in the aftermath of disaster. Hearing about first responders helping people in Boston and in West, Texas, has left me with knowledge that there are many good people in this world.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mobile Clothes

I found a great article this morning called "Why Your Clothes Need A Mobile Upgrade" on Computerworld.com. The author talks about how our clothes need to be more mobile-device friendly. I often wonder about this, because of the sheer size of iPads and iPhones.

It is very strange, when you think about it. There are bags and briefcases with pockets for devices, but clothes often don't have large enough pockets to comfortably fit an iPhone.

The author highlights several companies who have designed clothing to comfortably and safely fit mobile devices. Check out Scottevest.com and their ingenious vests, pants, jackets and more. 

Image captured from Scottevest.com

How interesting that so many clothing companies have not caught up with the gadget and mobile-media craze...