Saturday, November 30, 2013

This is (Almost) Too Much

When I saw the photo below, I knew that I had to use it on my blog. Photos like this are one of the reasons why I started this blog.

Motocorsa Ducati sexy pics
Images courtesy of

How ingenius that the team at MotoCorsa, a Portland, Oregon, Ducati dealership decided to do their photoshoot with both a sexy female model and some of their own male employees! What a smart way for this dealership to get tons of attention.

It's a little bit ridiculous, but hilarious that they did this campaign. It's always great when a brand can show that they don't take themselves too seriously!

P.S. The video that they posted on their YouTube page is pretty amazing. It's posted below:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nivea Ad with Phone Charger

Last week, I attended a Social Media Club Dallas event. They're always fun and I learn a lot about marketing and of course, social media. The speaker was Jay Baer, who has written a book called "Youtility", which is marketing by helping your customers.

One of the examples of Youtility used in marketing was a Nivea sunblock print ad in Brazil. They were selling suntan lotion and created an ad that could charge your smartphone using solar electricity.

Incredible! People will remember this campaign because of its genius. They will also likely tell their friends about it because it helped them to easily charge their phones.